Monday, September 19, 2011


            If you read my last post, I bet your wondering “if the location gets tweeted then won’t everyone know where my phone is?!” “How will my privacy be protected?” “Do I have to have a twitter to use the application?”  
            Privacy these days is hard to come by.  It feels as though everyday our private lives are becoming more public. Things such as emails, facebook pages, twitter, and other websites are becoming publicized. My wise teacher once told me, “don’t send an email that you don’t want on the cover of the New York Times!” With mottos like this, you wonder why would you want such private information such as the location of your phone being tweeted. I believe that if you take the right steps onto protecting your privacy you will have no problems.  The first step to take when using this application is to make sure that you make your twitter private so that if someone was to look you up on google he/ she would not be able to view all your tweets. Secondly, check to see who your followers are and make sure you know them personally. aIf you do not know them  I suggest blocking them from your tweets. Lastly after finding the location of your phone you must delete the tweet that posted where the phone was immediately. After taking these precautions you willl be fully protected from your phone being stolen.
            If you find that you do not trust twitter since it is an open social network you may choose to send it to facebook instead which is a much more intimate social media website. On Facebook, you will be able to make your status private by making the setting view only for me. This will protect you from other people trying to steal your cell phone. This part of the new invention is not for everyone since it does involve some risk, however, as I previously mentioned you will be able to click a button and have the phone beep and blink. I do believe that if you follow all the above steps you should have no problem with the twitter part of the new invention. 

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