After discussing with my peers about my new invention I began to question the security of using “twitter” and “facebook” to show the location of the phone. After much consideration and some input from my peers I decided the best way to ensure safety of the location of the phone is by creating my own website. The website would be where the location of the phone would be displayed and each member would have their own password and username in order to ensure the most safety.
When looking at creating a website I had to first figure out an IP address because every device on the Internet needs an IP address to communicate. An IP address consists of 4 sets of numbers, which are 8 bit numbers. The first set of two numbers are the network address, the third number is a sub network, and the last number is the actual host system. Every IP address can be calculated at After figuring out my IP address I needed to figure out a domain name that would be easy for people to remember in place of an IP address.
After contemplating it for a while, I decided the best domain name for my invention would be I decided to use .com because it is the most common domain name and it is easy for people to remember and say. Also, I used .com because it is unrestricted and therefore anyone is allowed to publish information as opposed to certain domains such as .gov, .edu, and .mil. I think that by creating a website along with the application this invention will not only be super helpful but now it will be safe as well.
You should also consider the security ramifications of sending the location over the internet. Perhaps this would be a good place to use some type of encryption such as SSL to send the location information back and forth to the server.